About the Department of Economic Development
The Prince William County Department of Economic Development’s mission is “to improve the County’s economic base by encouraging new businesses to locate in Prince William County, retain existing businesses and encourage existing businesses to expand.” The Department works hard to create a pro-business, globally-competitive environment that generates new, high-quality, and sustainable job opportunities for our citizens and engages in a broad portfolio of services, partnerships, and strategic alliances to benefit the business community and stimulate the economy.
Prince William County
As the second-largest county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Prince William County is a community of choice with a strong, diverse economic base, where individuals and families choose to live, work and play and businesses choose to locate.
Offering unmatched access to Northern Virginia’s 1.5 million workers and unparalleled quality of place, Prince William County provides businesses fast access to top U.S. markets, a diverse workforce, and the world.